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Riya Create Task: Typing Game Tester!!!!
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3a: Our world is getting increasingly digitalized, and almost everyone has to use their computers for communication, work, research, etc. By having fast and accurate typing, users can use computers more efficiently. Thus, this program provides feedback on the user’s typing ability by having the user type a given phrase and scoring them based on either the time taken or accuracy. In the video, the user chooses to test their typing accuracy and then their speed. A random quote is provided to them, and they type it the best they can. When they hit enter to check, the program provides the correct score and error score percentages and the words missed. The program’s input is the user choosing either the time or accuracy mode and their typed-out entry. The program’s output is the scoring of the user’s ability; it displays the users’ accuracy percentages or the words per minute.
3b: (i)
def splitStringsIntoList(userString):
# get the global list of words in user string using space as tokenizer
global userList
userList = userString.split(" ")
# User entered string = Oprah Winfrey : Be thankful for what you have; you'l end up having more.
# userString = ['Oprah', 'Winfrey', ':', 'Be', 'thankful', 'for', 'what', 'you', 'have;', "you'l", 'end', 'up', 'having', 'more.']
#assign global variable to the user string word count
global userCount
userCount = len(userList)
#get the minumum of word count between quote provided and User entry
minWordCount = quoteCount
#check if minCount is greater than userCount and if so, assign userCount to minCount
if minWordCount > userCount:
minWordCount = userCount
return minWordCount
3b: (ii)
def compareQuoteToUserString(userInputString, metricChoice):
while loopIndex < minCount:
if quoteList[loopIndex] == userList[loopIndex]:
print("Error! : ", userList[loopIndex], " : at word# =>", loopIndex)
errorScore = errorScore + 1
loopIndex += 1
return errorScore
- The list being used is called “userList.” This list/array contains the tokenized words from the user typed entry string, based on the randomized reference quote provided. When the program is executed, the users’ entry string is tokenized into a list (“userList”) of words using space as a delimiter. This list is then compared to the tokenized quote list (“quoteList”). The number of words in the “userList” is dependent on the length of the reference quote string. This word count is the exit condition for the loop that compares the individual words in the “userList” and the “quoteList.” These new tokenized lists are compared and used to measure the users’ input string correctness. Without these tokenized lists, we would have to parse through the individual characters for the entire input string and make a character-by-character comparison.
def compareQuoteToUserString(userInputString, metricChoice):
# call procedure to split strings based on space tokens
global minCount
minCount = splitStringsIntoList(userInputString)
# loop through quoteSplit list and userSplit list and compare each word in it
# loopIndex is the incremental counter to execute the loop
# compare words in quoteList to user list to check for errors, using the loopIndex as the array element index
#after comparison, we go to the second word by increasing loopIndex
#we stop the loop when loopIndex == minCount
#global variables accessed in function
global correctList
global errorList
global typingSpeed
global userCount
global quoteCount
#local variables
loopIndex = 0
errorScore = 0
if metricChoice == 'T':
#calculate time it took for user input
timeTaken = endTime - startTime
return timeTaken
while loopIndex < minCount:
if quoteList[loopIndex] == userList[loopIndex]:
print("Error! : ", userList[loopIndex], " : at word# =>", loopIndex)
errorScore = errorScore + 1
loopIndex += 1
return errorScore
while True:
** userScore = compareQuoteToUserString(userString, metricChoice)**
#Based on user's choice of what to measure, display the appropriate scores.
if metricChoice == 'A':
# 3. display error score
calculatePercentages(userScore, False)
# 4. display correct score
correctCount = displayCorrectScore(userScore)
calculatePercentages(correctCount, True)
#calculate the speed of typing - total words in reference quote over user time taken
wordsPerMinute = quoteCount/userScore
print("\n" + "Time Taken = ", userScore, "Words/Minute = ", wordsPerMinute)
This procedure is responsible for collecting the scoring data provided to the user at the end. If the user chooses time or accuracy, the procedure will run differently. If the user chooses accuracy, this procedure loops through the reference quote word list and the users’ word list. Correct words are collected in one list and incorrect in another. If the user chooses the time, the program compares the initial time to the final time.
When the user selects ‘T ‘, the procedure calculates the time taken by subtracting the final and initial time. If the user selects ‘A’ for accuracy, the procedure “compareQuoteToUserString” takes “userInputString” as an input parameter. The first thing “compareQuoteToUserString” does is call the function “splitStringsIntoList(userInputString),” which splits the “userInputString” into its words using space as a delimiter. The individual words are stored in “userList.” The “splitStringsIntoList” repeats this process with “quoteString” and stores the words in “quoteList.” The “splitStringsIntoList” returns the minimum word count between the two tokenized lists. Next, we loop through the two lists until the minimum word count is reached. At each iteration, using the ‘loopIndex’ like the word index in the lists, we compare the words in the ‘quoteList’ and the ‘userList.’ This checks for errors on a per word basis in the user string. The matched and unmatched words are stored in separate lists and displayed to the user for feedback, along with the error count.
- The first call is in the while true loop, and during the first run-through, the user may select ‘A,’ and the “compareQuoteString” gets called. In the next run-through, they may choose ‘T’, and then the while true loop executes again, and, “compareQuoteString” is called again and executes a different portion of code. If the user selects ‘A,’ the code of comparing the user’s tokenized word list to the quote’s tokenized word list, is executed and displays the error and correct score percentages. It also checks the conditions of the User’s metric choice. In the user’s second call, if they select ‘T,’ a different portion of the “compareQuoteString” is executed, as it checks the time taken to type out the entry, and displays the time taken for their entry, and the words per minute.