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the curliest knife in the cupboard

Home Create Python TPT

Riya Python work!

Key things I learned: I learned how to impliment menu’s and how to you can call functions in menu options, so that certain things can be run when you select that option.

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Code Snippets:

List code: I learned how to make my own list and append it to a dictionary, and I also learned how to run lists recursvley, and use a for and while loop too. I feel like this was a really beneficial hack.

InfoDb = []

               "Name": "Harry Potter",  
               "Favorite Spell": "Expecto Patronum",  
               "Pet": "Hedwig",  
               "House": "Gryffindor",  
               "Favorite Class": "Defense against the Dark Arts",  
               "Necessities":["Glasses","Invisibility Cloak","Mauraders Map","Wand",]  

def print_data(n):
    print(InfoDb[n]["Name"], InfoDb[n]["House"])  # 
    print("\t", "Necessities: ", end="")
    print(", ".join(InfoDb[n]["Necessities"]))

def for_loop():
    for n in range(len(InfoDb)):

def while_loop(n):
    while n < len(InfoDb):
        n += 1

def recursive_loop(n):
    if n < len(InfoDb):
        recursive_loop(n + 1)
    return # exit condition
def tester1():
    print("For loop")
def tester2():
  print("While loop")
  while_loop(0)  # requires initial index to start while
def tester3():
  print("Recursive loop")
  recursive_loop(0)  # requires initial index to start recursion
  sub_menu = [
    ["Matrix", menu.matrix],
    #["Swap", menu.swapnumbers(0,0)],
    ["Swap", menu.swapnumbers],

patterns_sub_menu = [
    ["Animation", menu.ship],
    ["Christmas Tree", menu.grow_tree],
    #["Funcy", None],
listandloops_sub_menu = [
    ["For Loop", list.tester1],
    ["While Loop", list.tester2],
    ["Fibonacci", fibonacci.tester],
    ["Recursive Loop",list.tester3]

Hack: Fibonacci using try and except. It was interesting having to think through pseudocode for how to write this program, and then impliment it.

def recur_fibo(n):
  if n<=1:
    return n
    return(recur_fibo(n-1) + recur_fibo(n-2))

def tester():
    nterms = int(input("How many terms?"))
    if nterms <= 0:
      print("please enter a positive integer")
        print("Fibonacci sequence:")
        for i in range(nterms):
  except ValueError:
    print(f"Not a number:{nterms}")